The International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS) is the premier event dedicated to interdisciplinary research on on-chip, package-scale, chip-to-chip, and datacenter rack-scale communication technology, architecture, design methods, applications and systems. NOCS brings together scientists and engineers working on NoC innovations and applications from inter-related research communities, including discrete optimization and algorithms, computer architecture, networking, circuits and systems, packaging, embedded systems, and design automation.

The final program can be found here. NOCS 2019 will be held at the NYU Abu Dhabi HQ Building (19 Washington Square North, New York, NY).

The NOCS 2019 proceedings can be downloaded from here (password will be made available at the event).

Program Highlights

Keynote Talks

Keynote I
Date: Thursday October 17, 2019
Time: 09:15-10:15
Speaker: Partha Pratim Pande (Washington State University)
Title: Interconnect Meets Architecture: On-Chip Communication in the Age of Heterogeneity

Keynote II
Date: Friday October 18, 2019
Time: 09:00-10:00
Speaker: Raid Ayoub (Intel Labs)
Title: Toward Fast Analysis and Exploration of Communication Fabrics

Special Sessions

Special Session 1: Interconnection Networks for Deep Neural Networks
Date: Thursday October 17, 2019
Time: 14:00-15:15
Organizers: Kun-Chih (Jimmy) Chen (National Sun Yat-sen University), Masoumeh (Azin) Ebrahimi (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

Special Session 2: Heterogeneous Integration and Interconnect Fabrics
Date: Friday October 18, 2019
Time: 16:00-17:15
Organizers: Baris Taskin (Drexel University), Boris Vaisband (McGill University)


Tutorial 1: System on Package (SoP): A Holistic Approach for System Integration
Date: Friday October 18, 2019
Time: 10:15-11:30
Speakers: Madhavan Swaminathan, Mohan Kathaperumal (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Tutorial 2:  Engineering a Specialized, High-Performance Network
Date: Friday October 18, 2019
Time: 11:30-12:30
Speakers: Brian Greskamp, Keun Sup Shim (D.E. Shaw Research)

Invited Talk

Title: Accelerator Fabric in Facebook Zion Training System
Date: Thursday October 17, 2019
Time: 12:00-12:30
Speaker: John Kim (KAIST/Facebook)