For the most recent list of publications, please refer to Google Scholar.
Journal Publications
- A. Gottfried, S. Antozzi, J. Stienike, S.J. Thompson, J. D. Williams, A.P. Yalin 2024 “Temporally resolved relative krypton neutral density during breathing mode of a hall effect thruster recorded by TALIF” Journal of Electric Propulsion (2024) 3:9,
- Yamamoto and A.P. Yalin 2024 “Portable Thomson scattering system for temporally resolved plasma measurements under low density conditions” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 033502 (2024),
- J. Gottfried and A.P. Yalin 2024 “Krypton tagging velocimetry in the plume of a plasma hollow cathode” Optics Continuum, 3 (15), 9-21;
Conference Proceedings
Refereed Conference Talks, Posters, and Abstracts
Journal Publications
- Shadman, T. Miller, A.P. Yalin 2023 “Open-Path Laser Absorption Sensor for Mobile Measurements of Atmospheric Ammonia” Sensors, 23(11), 6498;
- A.J. Puga, A.P. Yalin 2023 “Ozone Detection via Deep-Ultraviolet Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy with a Laser Driven Light Source” Sensors, 23(11), 6498;
Conference Proceedings
- A. Gottfried, C.E. Rose, A.P. Yalin 2023 “Optical and Electrical Diagnostics of a High-Voltage Laser-Triggered Switch with Variable Impedance Load” AIAA-2023-2384, SciTech 2023 AIAA Forum, January 2023,
- Lokini, C. Dumitrache, B. Windom, A.P. Yalin 2023 “Laser Ignition and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of a Hydrocarbon Flame in an Annular Spray Burner” AIAA-2023-0750, SciTech 2023 AIAA Forum, January 2023,
- J.A. Gottfried, S. Antozzi, C. Dumitrache, A.P. Yalin 2023 “Preliminary Krypton Measurements by Two-Photon Absorption Laser Induced Fluorescence (TALIF) in Cold Flow and a Hollow Cathode Plasma” AIAA-2023-1863, SciTech 2023 AIAA Forum, January 2023,
- Lokini, C. Dumitrache, B. Windom, A.P. Yalin 2023 “Simultaneous Laser Ignition and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of a Hydrocarbon Spray Flame” AIAA-2023-3603, AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, CA, June 2023,
S. Antozzi, J. Gottfried, J. Williams, A.P. Yalin 2023 “Spatially Resolved Measurements of
Krypton by Two Photon Absorption Laser Induced Fluorescence (TALIF) in a Barium
Oxide Hollow Cathode Plasma” AIAA-2023-4269, AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, CA, June 2023,
Refereed Conference Talks, Posters, and Abstracts
- Chen, G. Wang, R. Cui, A. Yalin, H. Yi, C. Coeur, L. Dong 2023 “Chemical sensing of trace gases and particulate matter with optical cavities” CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, June 26 – 30, Munich, Germany
- Cui, G. Wang, A. Yalin, L. Meng, C. Coeuer, L. Dong, W. Chen 2023 “Development of a high-finesse broadband optical cavity using prism based on total internal reflection for applied spectroscopy” EGU23-5828, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria,
Journal Publications
- J. Sipich, C. L’Orange, J. Volckens, A. Yalin 2022 “In-Situ Elemental Composition Analysis of Large Inhalable Aerosol Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy” Applied Spectroscopy, 0(ja).
- J.A. Gottfried, C.E. Rose, S. Simpson, A.P. Yalin 2022 “Collective Thomson scattering measurement of plasma evolution during the current pulse in a laser-triggered switch” Applied Physics Letters, 121, 244101
Conference Proceedings
- Mitchell Walker, Dan Lev, Benjamin Jorns, John Foster, Alec Gallimore, Alex Gorodetsky, Joshua Rovey, Huck Beng Chew, Deborah Levin, John Williams, Azer Yalin, Richie Wirz, Jaime Marian, Iain Boyd, Kentaro Hara, Kristina Lemmer, “Overview of the Joint Advanced Propulsion Institute (JANUS),” IEPC-2022-156, 37th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, June 19-23, 2022.
- Jacob Gottfried, Malcolm Roux and Azer P. Yalin “Electron Density and Temperature Measurements by Thomson Scattering in a High-Voltage Laser-Triggered Switch” AIAA Aviation 2022 Forum, Chicago IL. (AIAA 2022-3496)
- Tad Wegner, Ciprian Dumitrache, Azer P. Yalin “Rate-Equation Modeling of Xe and Kr TALIF for Electric Propulsion Applications” IEPC-2022-298 37th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, June 19-23, 2022
- G. Wang et al., “Prism-based Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy for Broadband Trace Gas Sensing” Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis 2022 Vancouver, British Columbia Canada 11–15 July 2022
- Parneeth Lokini, Bret Windom, Azer Yalin “Laser Ignition and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of a Hydrocarbon Flame in an Annular Spray Burner” Rocky Mountain Fluid Mechanics Research Symposium, University of Colorado, Boulder, August 9th, 2022
- Azer Yalin “Pre-Ionization Controlled Laser Induced Plasmas for Combustion Applications” National Science Foundation ECLIPSE Meeting 2022, Old Town Alexandria, VA
Refereed Conference Talks, Posters, and Abstracts
- G. Wang et al., “Prism-based Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy for Broadband Trace Gas Sensing” Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis 2022 Vancouver, British Columbia Canada 11–15 July 2022,
Journal Publications
- Sipich, C. L’Orange, K. Anderson, C. Limbach, J. Volckens, A.Yalin 2021 “A direct-reading inhalable particle sizer with elemental composition analysis” Aerosol Science & Technology, Aerosol Science & Technology, 56:3, 223-233
- Zhou, X. Peng, A. Montazeri, L.E. McHale, Simon Gassner, D.R. Lyon, AP. Yalin and J.D. Albertson 2021 “Mobile Measurement System for the Rapid and Cost-Effective Surveillance of Methane and Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Oil and Gas Production Sites” Env. Sci Tech. 55,1 581-592
Conference Proceedings
- Tad Wegner, Seth J. Thompson, John Williams and Azer P. Yalin “Two-Photon Absorption Laser Induced Fluorescence (TALIF) Of Neutral Xenon In A Hall Effect Thruster Plasma”, 2021 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, Virtual Event, August 2021 (AIAA 2021-3391)
Refereed Conference Talks, Posters, and Abstracts
- Ciprian Dumitrache and Azer Yalin “Vorticity Dynamics in Laser-induced Plasma” 19th International Conference On Plasma Physics And Applications – CPPA 2021, Romania, 2021
Journal Publications
- Dumitrache, C. Butte and A.P. Yalin 2020 “Resonant dual‑pulse laser ignition technique based on oxygen REMPI pre-ionization” Nature Scientific Reports, 10: 19916.
- Dumitrache and A.P. Yalin 2020 “Gas Dynamic Regimes Observed in Dual-Pulse Laser Ignition” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 161 120302.
- Lassman, J.L. Collett, J.M. Ham, A.P. Yalin, J.R. Pierce 2020 “Exploring new Methods of estimating deposition using atmospheric concentration measurements: a modelling case study of ammonia downwind of a feedlot” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 290, 107989
- Dumitrache and A.P. Yalin 2020 “Gas Dynamics and Vorticity Generation in Laser-Induced Breakdown of Air” Optics Express, 28 (4), 5835-5850
- Martinez, T.W. Miller, A.P. Yalin 2020 “Cavity Ring-Down Methane Sensor for Small Unmanned Aerial Systems” Sensors, 20, 254
Conference Proceedings
- Carter Butte , Parneeth Lokini, Ciprian Dumitrache and Azer P. “Single and Dual-Pulse Laser Ignition of Methane-Air and Hydrogen-Air Mixtures”, 2020 AIAA Scitech, Orlando FA (AIAA 2020-1893)
Refereed Conference Talks, Posters, and Abstracts
- Ciprian Dumitrache, Carter Butte, and Azer Yalin “Comparison of Non-Resonant and Resonant Preionization for Dual-Pulse Laser Plasma Ignition in Air” Gaseous Electronics Conference (Online), 2020
Journal Publications
- A. Wendt, C.W. Quinn, D. D. Miller-Lionberg, J. Tryner, C. L’Orange, B. Ford, A.P. Yalin, J. R. Pierce, S. Jathar, and J. Volckens 2019 “A low-cost monitor for measurement of fine particulate matter and aerosol optical depth. Part 1: Specifications and testing” Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12, 5431–5441
- E. McHale, B. Martinez, T.W. Miller, A.P. Yalin 2019 “Open-path cavity ring-down methane sensor for mobile monitoring of natural gas emissions” Optics Express 27 (14), 20084-20097
Conference Proceedings
- Carter Butte, Ciprian Dumitrache, Azer Yalin “Dual-Pulse Laser Ignition Using Oxygen REMPI Preionization”, 2019 AIAA Aviation, Dallas, TX (AIAA 2019-3117)
- Rose, S. Simpson, S. Patel, A.P. Yalin “Preliminary Schlieren and Optical Emission Diagnostics of a High-Voltage Laser Triggered Switch” 2019 AIAA Aviation, Dallas, TX (AIAA 2019-3252)
- Carter Butte, Ciprian Dumitrache, Azer Yalin “Properties of Dual-Pulse Laser Plasmas and Ignition Characteristics in Propane-Air and Methane-Air Mixtures”, 2019 AIAA SciTech Forum, San Diego, CA (AIAA 2019-0464)
- Friss and A.P. Yalin “Electron Temperature and Density Measurements in a Low-Power Hollow Cathode Discharge by Cavity Enhanced Thomson Scattering” 2019 AIAA SciTech Forum, San Diego, CA (AIAA 2019-0192)
- Friss, T. Wegner, *A.P. Yalin “Fiber Coupled Cavity Enhanced Thomson Scattering Diagnostic for Use in Electric Propulsion Facilities” IEPC-2019-689, 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference (IEPC), Vienna, Austria, September, 2019
- Wegner, A.J. Friss, C. Dumitrache, A.P. Yalin “Two-Photon Absorption Laser Induced Fluorescence (TALIF) of Ground State Neutral Xenon” IEPC-2019-A-663, 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference (IEPC), Vienna, Austria, September, 2019
Journal Publications
- J. Friss and A.P. Yalin 2018 “Cavity enhanced Thomson scattering measurements of electron density and temperature in a hollow cathode discharge” Optics Letters, 43 (21), pp. 5343-5346
- A. Wendt, C.W. Quinn, D.D. Miller-Lionberg, J. Tryner, C. L’Orange, B. Ford, A.P. Yalin, J.R. Pierce, S. Jathar, and J. Volckens 2018 “A Low-Cost Monitor for Simultaneous Measurement of Fine Particulate Matter and Aerosol Optical Depth” in submission to Env. Sci. Tech.
Conference Proceedings
- Ciprian Dumitrache, Carter Butte, Andrew Eickelberg, and Azer P. Yalin. “On the Use of REMPI Pre-Ionization for Laser Plasma Formation”, 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2018-1431)
- Ciprian Dumitrache and Azer P. Yalin. “Numerical Modeling of the Hydrodynamics Induced by Dual-Pulse Plasma”, 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2018-0689)
- Zdanowicz, A., Mohr, J., Bhoite, S., Baumgardner, M., Tryner, J., Dumitrache, C., Yalin, A. and Marchese, A. J. (2018). “Characterization of Knock Propensity via Observations of End-Gas Autoignition from Laser Ignited, Premixed Flames in a Rapid Compression Machine”, 2018 Spring Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Bend, OR, March 2018
- William Lassman, J. Ham, A. Yalin, and J. R. Pierce “Estimating the Added Value of Different Measurement Platforms toward Determining Atmospheric Ammonia Concentrations and Deposition Rates Downwind of a Feedlot” American Meteorological Society, Austin, TX, January 2018
Journal Publications
- Pendurthi, A., Movafaghi, S., Wang, W., Shadman, S., Yalin, A.P., and Kota, A.K. 2017 “Fabrication of Nanostructured Omniphobic and Superomniphobic Surfaces with Inexpensive CO2 Laser Engraver” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (31), pp 25656–25661
- Dumitrache, C., VanOsdol, R., Limbach, C. M., and Yalin, A. P. “”Control of early flame kernel growth by multi-wavelength laser pulses for enhanced ignition ” Nature Scientific Reports
- Dumitrache, C., Baumgardner, M., Boissiere, A., Maria, A., Roucis, J., Marchese, A. J., and Yalin, A. “Threshold characteristics of ultraviolet and near infrared nanosecond laser induced plasmas ” Physics of Plasmas 23, 93515
- Dumitrache, C., VanOsdol, R., Limbach, C. M., and Yalin, A. P. “”A study of laser induced ignition of methane – air mixtures inside a Rapid Compression Machine ” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36, 3431–3439.
Conference Proceedings
- Friss, Adam J. and Yalin, Azer P. “Status Update: Cavity-Enhanced Thomson Scattering for Electron Measurements in Electric Propulsion Devices ” IEPC-2017-279, 35th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
- Dumitrache, C., VanOsdol, R., Limbach, C. M., and Yalin, A. P. “Laser Ignition of Propane-Air Mixtures Using a Dual-Pulse Technique ” 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Dallas, TX pp. 1–8.
- Dumitrache, C., VanOsdol, R., Limbach, C. M., and Yalin, A. P. “Demonstration of a Dual-Pulse Laser Heating Technique for Ignition of Propane-Air mixtures. ” 55th Combustion Institute 10th US National Meeting, pp. 1–6.
- Dumitrache, C., Limbach, C. M., and Yalin, A. P. “Properties of ultraviolet and near-infrared laser induced air plasmas and their application for spark ignition ” ,” Plasma Science (ICOPS), IEEE International Conference, pp. 1-1
- Adam Friss and Azer P. Yalin. “Further Development of Cavity Enhanced Thomson Scattering for Plasma Thruster Diagnostics ” ,” 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- Adam J. Friss and Azer P. Yalin. “Laser Thomson Scattering for Diagnostics of Electric Propulsion Devices ” STRG Tech Day on the Hill, Washington, D.C., November
Journal Publications
- Adam J. Friss, C. Limbach, and A. P. Yalin “Cavity-enhanced rotational Raman scattering in gases using a 20 mW near-infrared fiber laser ” Optics Letters 41 (14), 3193-3196
- Shadman, C. Rose and A.P Yalin “Open path cavity ring down spectroscopy sensor for atmospheric ammonia” Appl. Phys. B 41 122 (7)
- Laura E. McHale, Arsineh Hecobian and Azer P. Yalin “Open-path cavity ring-down spectroscopy for trace gas measurements in ambient air ” Optics Letters 24 (5), 5523-5535
Conference Proceedings
- M. Limbach, C. Dumitrache, A.P. Yalin “Laser Light Scattering from Equilibrium, High Temperature Gases: Limitations on Rayleigh Scattering Thermometry ” AIAA 2016-3381, 47th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, AIAA Aviation, Washington, DC June.
- M. Limbach, R. Robinson, D. Adams, M. Wilbanks, A.P. Yalin “Toward a Microscopic Study of Laser Interactions with Levitated Liquid Fuel Droplets ” AIAA 2016-3381, 47th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, AIAA Aviation, Washington, DC June.
- Dumitrache, C.M. Limbach, A.P. Yalin “Laser Thermal Ignition Using a Dual-Pulse Approach ” AIAA 2016-0460, 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, San Diego, CA, January.
- Friss, C.M. Limbach, A.P. Yalin “Development of a Cavity Enhanced Thomson and Raman Scattering Diagnostic ” AIAA 2016-1698, 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, San Diego, CA, January.
- Adam J. Friss, C. Limbach, and A. P. Yalin “Development of a Cavity Enhanced Thomson and Raman Scattering Diagnostic ” 54th AIAA Aerosp. Sci. Meet., no. January, pp. 1–10
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- Dumitrache, C. M. Limbach, A. P. Yalin “Properties Of Ultraviolet And Near-Infrared Laser Induced Air Plasmas And Their Application For Spark Ignition ” Paper 7C-6, International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), Banff, AB, Canada, June.
- J. Friss, C. M. Limbach, A. P. Yalin “Development Of Cavity Enhanced Raman And Thomson Scattering Diagnostics ” Paper 5F-2, International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), Banff, AB, Canada, June.
- Azer P. Yalin, Laura E. McHale, Soran Shadman, Charles Rose “Open-Path Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Sensors for Atmospheric Measurements ” Invited Talk, Paper ATh3J.1, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Optical Society of America, San Jose, CA.
- Ciprian Dumitrache , Christopher M. Limbach, Azer P. Yalin “Novel Approach to Laser Ignition Using a Gas Pre-ionization Technique ” Western States Section Combustion Institute 2016 Spring Meeting, Seattle, WA (Talk)
- Jessica Tryner, Qiang An, Jeffrey Mohr, Adam Steinberg, Azer P. Yalin, Anthony J. Marchese “High-Speed OH and Acetone PLIF Imaging of an Inverse Non-Premixed Cross-Flow Flame ” Western States Section Combustion Institute 2016 Spring Meeting, Seattle, WA (Talk).
Journal Publications
- S. Li, B. Yu, H. Fischer, W. Chen and A.P. Yalin “Contributed Review: Quantum cascade laser based photoacoustic detection of explosives ” Review of Scientific Instruments 86 031501
Conference Proceedings
- Dumitrache, A. Yalin “Laser-Induced Heating Using a Non-Resonant Dual-Pulse Approach with Application to Laser Ignition ” AIAA 2015-2658, 46th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Dallas, TX, June 11th International User Meeting and Summer School on Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy, Boulder, CO
- Dumitrache, C. Rose, A. Yalin “Towards Laser Ignition by Rapid Heating of Water Vapor ” 46th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Dallas, TX, June
- Ciprian Dumitrache, Andrew J. Boissiere, Marc E. Baumgardner, Amir Maria, John Roucis, Anthony J. Marchese, Azer P. Yalin “Fundamental Studies of Laser Ignition of Natural Gas/Air Mixtures at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures ” 9th U. S. National Combustion Meeting (Central States Section of the Combustion Institute), Cincinnati, Ohio
- Ciprian Dumitrache, Andrew Boissiere, Marc E. Baumgardner, Anthony J. Marchese, Azer P. Yalin, Amir Maria, John Roucis “Laser Ignition of Methane-Air Mixtures: An investigation of the Lean Limit and Minimum Ignition Energy ” 3rd Laser Ignition Conference, Argonne, IL, April
- Ciprian Dumitrache, Marc Baumgardner, Andrew Boissiere, Anthony J. Marchese, Azer Yalin, Amir Maria, John Roucis “Laser Ignition of Methane-Air Mixtures with a Rapid Compression Machine ” AIAA 2015-1831, 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, Florida, January
- Sean Walsh, John Williams, Azer Yalin “Laser Induced Fluorescence Measurements of Xenon Ion Velocity Distributions near Ceramic Surfaces ” AIAA 2015-1828, 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, Florida, January
- McHale, S. Shadman, A. Yalin, “Effects of Particles on Trace-Gas Measurement Using Open-Path Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy; AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco,CA
- Shadman,L. McHale,Charles Rose, A. Yalin, ” Open Path Trace Gas Laser Sensors for UAV Deployment ; AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- McHale, S. Shadman, A.P. Yalin “Effects of Particles on Trace-Gas Measurement Using Open-Path Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy ” American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December (Talk).
- Shadman, L. McHale, A.P. Yalin “Open Path Trace Gas Laser Sensors for UAV Deployment ” American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December (Poster).
- Anderson, S. Walsh, A. Yalin, J. Volckens “Design and Optimization of an Optical Detector for the Portable Inhalable Particle Sizer ” American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR), Minneapolis, MN, October (Talk).
- McHale, S. Shadman, A.P. Yalin “Development of Open-Path Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Sensors for Methane and Ammonia ” ” 11th International User Meeting and Summer School on Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy, Boulder, CO, June (Talk)
- Ciprian Dumitrache, Charles Rose, Azer P. Yalin “Towards Laser Ignition by Rapid Heating of Water Vapor in Air ” 3rd Laser Ignition Conference, Argonne, IL, April (Talk).
- Ciprian Dumitrache, Charles Rose, Azer P. Yalin “Towards Laser Ignition by Rapid Heating of Water Vapor in Air ” 5th EUCASS Aerospace Thematic Workshop: Fundamentals of Aerodynamic Flow and Combustion Control by Plasmas, Les Houches, France, April (Poster).
- Ciprian Dumitrache, Marc Baumgardner, Andrew Boissiere, Anthony J. Marchese, Azer Yalin, Amir Maria, John Roucis “Laser Ignition Studies of Methane/Air Mixtures in a Rapid Compression Machine ” 5th EUCASS Aerospace Thematic Workshop: Fundamentals of Aerodynamic Flow and Combustion Control by Plasmas, Les Houches, France, April 2015 (Poster).
Journal Publications
- Dumitrache, J. Rath and A.P. Yalin, “High Power Spark Delivery System Using Hollow Core Kagome Lattice Fibers” Materials, 7, 5700-5710
- L. Hagen, B.C. Lee, I.S. Franka, J. L. Rath, T.C. VandenBoer, J.M. Roberts, S.S. Brown and A. P. Yalin “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Sensor for Detection of Hydrogen Chloride ” Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 345-357
- Lee, K. Lehmann,J. Taylor and A. Yalin “A High-finesse Broadband Optical Cavity using Calcium Fluoride Prism Retro-reflectors ” Optics Express, 22 (10), 11583-11591
- C. Lee, W. Huang, L. Tao, N. Yamamoto, A.D. Gallimore, and A.P. Yalin “A cavity ring-down spectroscopy sensor for real-time Hall thruster erosion measurements ” Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, 053111
- Dragnea, I.D. Boyd, B. Lee, A. Yalin “Characterization of Eroded Boron Atoms in the Plume of a Hall Thruster ” Review of Scientific Instruments/IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science — Special Issue on Plasma Propulsion/ Instruments (Under Revision — has been Accepted with Minor Revisions)
Conference Proceedings
- Dumitrache, A.P. Yalin, M. Shneider “Laser Generated Plasma Using a Dual Pulse Approach with Application to Laser Ignition ” AIAA-2014-2071,45th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Atlanta, GA,
- Dumitrache, J. Rath, S. Gupta, A.P. Yalin “Development of a Photonic Crystal Fiber Delivery System for Laser Ignition of Engines ” AIAA-2014-2074,45th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Atlanta, GA,
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- Grumstrup, A.J. Marchese, A.P. Yalin, F.L. Dryer, T. Farouk , “Planar laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy and simulations of ignition and combustion of freely falling alkane, alcohol, and methyl ester droplets “, 35th Combustion Institute Symposium, San Francisco, CA August, (Poster)
- Brian C. Lee and Azer P. Yalin “Atomic Boron Speed Distribution Measurements in the Plume of a Hall Thruster Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence “, International Conference on Plasma Science, Washington, DC, (Talk)
- Sean P. Walsh, Jordan L. Rath, Azer P. Yalin “Laser-Induced Fluorescence Measurements Of Xenon Ion Velocity Distributions Near Ceramic Surfaces”, International Conference on Plasma Science, Washington, DC, (Poster)
- P. Yalin “Laser Diagnostics with Atomic Vapor Filters”, (In Honor of Dick Miles’s (semi-) Retirement Session) 45th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Atlanta, GA,
- P. Yalin “Application of Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy to Plasma and Combustion. “Frontiers in Spectroscopy, Chemical Physics graduate program, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH., multi-day lectures and honorarium, Jan. 29-31
Journal Publications
- P. Yalin, N. Wilvert “High Power Fiber Delivery for Laser Ignition Applications” Optics Express(Energy Express Supplement), Invited Paper, Under Review
- L. Hagen, B.C. Lee, I.S. Franka, J. L. Rath, T.C. VandenBoer, J.M. Roberts, S.S. Brown and A. P. Yalin, “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Sensor for Detection of Hydrogen Chloride”, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss Discuss. , 6 . 7217-7250 Under Review for Atmos. Meas. Tech.
- P. Yalin “High Power Fiber Delivery for Laser Ignition Applications ” Optics Express (Energy Express Supplement), 21 (S6) A1102-1112
Conference Proceedings
- Adam Friss, Azer Yalin “Cavity Enhanced Thomson Scattering for Diagnostics ofWeakly Ionized Discharges”ASME Internal Combustion Engines Conference,
- Ciprian Dumitrache, Azer Yalin ” Laser Plasma Formation in Air Using Dual Pulse Pre-Ionization” ASME Internal Combustion Engines Conference, San Diego, CA, July
- Adam Friss, Brian Lee, Isaiah Franka, and Azer Yalin “Cavity Enhanced Thomson Scattering for Diagnostics ofWeakly Ionized Discharges” 44th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference ,
- Adam Friss, Brian Lee, Isaiah Franka, and Azer Yalin “Towards a Cavity Enhanced Thomson Scattering Diagnostic for Electric Propulsion Research ” IEPC-2013-351, 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, Washington, D.C., USA (2013)
- Brian C. Lee, Azer P. Yalin, Alec Gallimore, Wensheng Huang and Hani Kamhawi “Real-Time Boron Nitride Erosion Measurements of the HiVHAc Thruster via Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy ” IEPC-2013-119, 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference , Washington, D.C., USA (2013)
- Azer Yalin ” Application of Laser Ignition to Aero-Turbines” 1^st Laser Ignition Conference, Pacifico Yokohama, Japan(2013)
- Sachin Nick Wilvert Joshi, Azer P. Yalin ” Ultraviolet Laser Plasma Preionization and Novel Thomson Scattering Method for Weakly Ionized Discharges ; 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, TX, AIAA-2013-0205, January (2013)
- Brian Lee, Josh Taylor, Randy Leach, Alec Gallimore, Azer Yalin ” Boron Nitride Erosion Measurements of an SPT-70 Hall Thruster via Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy ; JANNAF — 6th Space Propulsion Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO, April (2013)
- Sachin Joshi, Nick Wilvert, Azer P.Yalin “On Comparative Performance Of Engine With Large Clad Silica Fiber Delivered Laser Ignition And Electrical Ignition” ; ASME Internal Combustion Engines Conference, ICEF-2012-92007, Vancouver, Canada (2013)
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- Azer P. Yalin, Sachin Joshi, Nick Wilvert, “Fiber Optic Delivered Laser Ignition Systems”, 1^st Laser Ignition Conference, Pacifico Japan (2013)
- P. Yalin “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy: Application to Electric Propulsion, Atmospheric Science, and Future Directions “, Kyushu University, April 26, (2013)
- Yalin, A. Friss, B. Lee, I. Franka “Cavity Enhanced Thomson Scattering for Low Temperature Plasmas “, 66th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, American Physical Society, Princeton, NJ (2013)
Journal Publications
- Joshi, N. Wilvert, A. Yalin, “Delivery of High Intensity Beams with Large Clad Step-Index Fibers for Engine Ignition” Applied Physics B – Lasers & Optics, 108, 4 pp. 925-932 (2012)
- Loccisano, S. Joshi, I. Franka, Z. Yin, W. Lempert, A.P. Yalin, “Fiber Coupled Ultraviolet Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence for Combustion Diagnostics”, Applied Optics, 51, 27 pp. 6691-6699 (2012)
Conference Proceedings
- Joshi, N. Wilvert, A.P. Yalin, “On Comparative Performance Of Engine With Large Clad Silica Fiber Delivered Laser Ignition And Electrical Ignition” ASME Internal Combustion Engines Conference, ICEF-2012-92007, Vancouver, Canada (2012)
- Choi, S. Zhou, P. Stoltz, S. Joshi, A. Yalin, “Simulation And Measurement Of The Laser Induced Breakdown In Air And Argon For Nanosecond Order Pulses” ASME Internal Combustion Engines Conference, ICEF-2012-92087, Vancouver, Canada (2012)
- Yamamoto, H. Nakashima, A.P. Yalin, “Dependence of lifetime on magnetic field configuration in a Hall thruster” , 44th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, July 2012
- Loccisano, A. Yalin, S. Joshi, I. Franka, Z. Zin, W. Lempert, “Fiber Coupled Ultraviolet Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence of OH Radical” 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, TN, January 2012
- Rath, I. Franka, B. Lee, C. Hagen, M. Cappelli, A. Yalin, “Electric Field Measurements in Gases Using Cavity Enhanced Polarimetry” 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, TN, January 2012
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- Lee, K. Lehmann, A. Yalin, “Ultraviolet Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy for Trace Species Detection” 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, TN, January (2012)
- P. Yalin, “Cavity Enhanced Laser Diagnostics for Electric Propulsion and Plasma Engineering” NASA Glenn Research Center, OH, May (2012)
- P. Yalin, “Laser Ignition: Aerospace Applications and Research Directions” 43rd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, New Orleans, LA, June (2012)
Journal Publications
- Joshi, F. Loccisano, A.P. Yalin, D.T. Montgomery, “On comparative performance testing of prechamber and open chamber laser ignition,” Journal Of Engineering For Gas Turbines And Power-Transactions Of The ASME, 133, 12, 122801 (2011)
- Sullenberger et al., “Optical Mass Gauging System for Measuring Liquid Levels in a Reduced Gravity Environment,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 48, 3 pp. 528-533 (2011)
- Hurand, L-A. Chauny, H. El-Rabii, S. Joshi, A.P. Yalin, “Mode coupling and output beam quality of 100-400 mu m core silica fibers,” Applied Optics, 50, 4 pp. 492-499 (2011)
- Joshi, H.El-Rabii, C. Dumitrescu, P.V.Puzinauskas, A.P.Yalin, “Temperature and Electron Density Measurements of Laser Induced Plasmas in Air at Elevated Pressures”, Spectroscopy Letters, 44, 2 pp.103-112 (2011)
Conference Proceedings
- Lee, A. Gallimore, L. Tao, J. M. Taylor, A. P. Yalin, “Sensitivity Improvements to Laser Sensor for Boron Nitride Erosion in Hall Thrusters,” 32nd International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2011-068, Weisbaden, Germany (2011)
- Tao, A. P. Yalin, “Velocity Profiles of Boron Atoms Sputtered from Boron Nitride by Low Energy Xenon Ions,” 32nd International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2011-067 (Poster), Wiesbaden, Germany (2011)
- Yalin, et al. “Effect of Ion Sputtering on Transmission of Coverglass with Magnesium Fluoride Coating,” 32ndInternational Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2011-066, Wiesbaden, Germany (2011)
- Huang, A. D. Gallimore, T. B. Smith, A. P. Yalin, “The Technical Challenges of using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy to Study Hall Thruster Channel Erosion,” 32nd International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2011-030, Wiesbaden, Germany (2011)
- Joshi, A. P. Yalin, “Fiber Delivery Of High Power Nanosecond Pulses For Ignition In Aerospace Engines,” Avionics, Fiber-Optics and Photonics Conference, IEEE, San Diego, CA (2011)
- Huang, A. D. Gallimore, T. B. Smith, L. Tao, and A. P. Yalin “Initial Cavity Ring-Down Density Measurement on a 6-kW Hall Thruster,” AIAA 47th Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA-2011-5994, San Diego, CA, (2011)
- Damonte, E. Ferrando, A. Cervone, A. Vicini, A. Yalin, G. D’Accolti, “Study Results on Ion Thruster Plume Effects on Solar Array Interfaces,” 9th European Space Power Conference (ESPC), San-Raphael, France (2011)
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- P. Yalin, “Laser Ignition: Application to Internal Combustion Engines and Research Directions” Aerospace Thematic Workshop: Fundamentals of Aerodynamic Flow and Combustion Control by Plasmas, Les Houches – Mont Blanc, France, March 28 (2011)
Journal Publications
- Yamamoto, L. Tao, B. Rubin, J.D. Williams, A.P. Yalin, “Real-time Sputter Erosion Sensor for Anode Layer Type Hall Thrusters Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 26, 1 pp.142-148 (2010)
- Yamamoto, L. Tao, A. P. Yalin, “Development of Real-time Erosion Monitoring System for Hall Thrusters by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy,” Transactions Of The Japan Society For Aeronautical And Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, 8, (ists27) pp.Pb_39-Pb_44
Conference Proceedings
- Joshi, F. Loccisano, A.P. Yalin, D.T. Montgomery, “On Comparative Performance Testing of Prechamber and Open Chamber Laser Ignition”, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Fall Technical Conference, ICEF 2010-35058 (Accepted) (2010)
- P. Yalin, F. Loccisano, S. Joshi, Z. Zhang, M. Schneider, “Pre-Ionization Controlled Laser Plasma Formation for Ignition Applications”, AIAA 41st Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, AIAA-2010-4307, Chicago, IL (2010)
- Joshi, A.P. Yalin, A. D’Angola, G. Colonna, C. Dumitrescu, P.V. Puzinauskas, H. El-Rabii, “A Time Resolved Spectroscopic Study of Laser Generated Plasmas in Air at High Pressures”, AIAA 41st Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, AIAA-2010-4309, Chicago, IL (2010)
- Huang, T.B. Smith, C.J. Durot, A.D. Gallimore, A.P. Yalin, “Development of a Cavity Ring-Down Diagnostic for Studying Hall Thruster Channel Erosion”, Joint Army Navy NASA Air Force (JANNAF) Propulsion Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO (2010)
- Lee, K. Lehmann, A.P. Yalin, “Optical Loss Characterization of CaF2 in the Ultraviolet Region for Prism Retroreflectors”, Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics, CMT3 San Jose, CA (2010)
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- P. Yalin, J. Topper, B. Rubin, “Quartz Crystal Microbalance Based System for Angularly Resolved Sputter Yield Measurements” Invited talk for Society of Vacuum Coaters TechCon, Orlando, FL (2010)
Journal Publications
- Yamamoto, A.P. Yalin, L. Tao, T.B. Smith, A.D. Gallimore, Y. Arakawa, “Development of Real-time Boron Nitride Erosion Monitoring System for Hall Thrusters by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Space Technology Japan, 7 (ists26) pp. Pb_1-Pb_6 (2009)
- Rubin, J.L. Topper, C.C. Farnell, A.P. Yalin, “Quartz Crystal Microbalance Based System for High-Sensitivity Differential Sputter Yield Measurements”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 80, 103506 (2009)
- Rubin, J.L. Topper, A.P. Yalin, “Total and Differential Sputter Yields of Boron Nitride Measured by Quartz Crystal Microbalance”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42, 205205 (2009)
- Joshi, D.B. Olsen, C. Dumitrescu, P.V. Puzinauskas, A.P. Yalin, “Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for In-Cylinder Equivalence Ratio Measurements in Laser Ignited Natural Gas Engines”, Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 63 5, pp. 549-554 (2009)
- El-Rabii, S.B. Victorov, A.P. Yalin, “Time-Resolved Emission Spectroscopy of an Air Plasma Generated by UV-Nanosecond Laser Pulses”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42 075203 (2009)
- Yamamoto, L. Tao, A.P. Yalin, “Single-Mode Delivery of 250nm Light Using a Large Mode Area Photonic Crystal Fiber”, Optics Express, 17, pp. 16933-16940 (2009)
Conference Proceedings
- Yamamoto, L. Tao, B. Rubin, J.D. Williams, A.P. Yalin, “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Sensor for Real Time In Situ Measurement of Sputter Erosion in Anode Layer Type Hall Thrusters”, 31st International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2009-147, Ann Arbor, MI (2009)
- Tao, N. Yamamotom, A. Gallimore, A.P. Yalin, “Development of a Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Sensor for Boron Nitride Erosion in Hall Thrusters”, 31st International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2009-146, Ann Arbor, MI (2009)
- Rubin, J. Topper, A.P. Yalin, “Total and Differential Sputter Yields of Boron Nitride Measured by Quartz Crystal Microbalance”, 31st International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2009-042, Ann Arbor, MI (2009)
- Topper, B. Rubin, A.P. Yalin, “Quartz Crystal Microbalance-Based System for High-Sensitivity Differential Sputter Yield Measurement”, 31st International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2009-045, Ann Arbor, MI (2009)
- Yamamoto, L. Tao, Y. Arakawa, M. Oya, H. Nakashima, A.P. Yalin, “Lifetime Estimation in a Hall Thruster Using Continuous-Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, 49th Propulsion Conference, Japanese Society for Aeronautical and Space Science (Japanese Proceedings) (2009)
- Yamamoto, L. Tao, A.P. Yalin, “Development of a Real-time Erosion Monitoring System for Hall Thrusters by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, Transactions in Space Technology, 7, 26, Japan (2009)
- P. Yalin, B. Rubin, J. Topper, C. Farnell, “Differential Sputter Yield Measurements of Single- and Multi-Element Targets due to Ion Beam Bombardment”, 2009 Society of Vacuum Coaters TechCon, Santa Clara, CA, USA(2009)
- P. Yalin, L. Tao, N. Yamamoto, “Laser-Based Sensor for Real Time Sputter Monitoring and End Point Detection in Ion Beam Etch Systems”, 2009 Society of Vacuum Coaters TechCon, Santa Clara, CA, USA (2009)
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- P. Yalin, “Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy: Application to Plasma Engineering and New Directions” Rocky Mountain Chapter – Optical Society of America, Boulder, CO (2009)
- Lee, A.P. Yalin “Cavity ring-down spectroscopy in the ultraviolet region using calcium fluoride prism retroreflectors” Four Corners APS Annual Meeting, Colorado School of Mines, October 23-24 (2009)
Journal Publications
- Tao, N. Yamamoto, A.P. Yalin, “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Sensor for Ion Beam Etch Monitoring and End-Point Detection of Multilayer Structures”, Review of Scientific Instruments 79 115107 (2008)
- P. Yalin, S. Joshi, M. DeFoort, B. Willson, “Towards Multiplexed Fiber Delivered Laser Ignition For Natural Gas Engines”, Technical Brief in ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 130 (4) 044502 (2008)
- Joshi, A.P. Yalin, D.B. Olsen, C. Dimitrescu, P.V. Puzinauskas, “Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for In-Cylinder Equivalence Ratio Measurements in Laser Ignited Natural Gas Engines”, Applied Spectroscopy, 63, 5, pp. 549-554 (2009)
Conference Proceedings
- P. Yalin, et al., “High-Sensitivity Boron Nitride Sputter Erosion Measurements by Continuous-Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, 44th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA-2008-5091, Hartford, CT, USA (2008)
- Topper, B. Rubin, A.P. Yalin, “Preliminary Results of Low Energy Sputter Yields of Boron Nitride due to Xenon Ion Bombardment”, 44th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA-2008-5092, Hartford, CT, USA
- Yamamoto, A.P. Yalin, L. Tao, T.B. Smith, A.D. Gallimore, Y. Arakawa, “Development of Real-time Boron Nitride Erosion Monitoring System for Hall Thrusters by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, 26th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, ISTS 2008-b-21, pp. 245-259, Japan
Conference Presentation, Posters, and Abstracts
- Joshi, A.P. Yalin, C. Dumitrescu, S. Olcmen, P. Puzinauskas “Laser Ignition and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy In Engines Using Hollow Core Fiber Delivery”, Laser Applications to Chemical Security and Environmental Analysis (LACSEA), Optical Society of America, St. Petersburg, FL, USA (2008)
- P. Yalin, L. Tao, N. Yamamoto, “Sputtering Measurements by Cavity Ringg-Down Spectroscopy and Application to Electric Propulsion and Plasma Engineering”, Laser Applications to Chemical Security and Environmental Analysis (LACSEA), Optical Society of America, St. Petersburg, FL, USA (2008)
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- P. Yalin, “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy: A Tool for High-Sensitivity Concentration Measurements” Presentation – Chemical Sciences Division NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO (2008)
- P. Yalin, “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy: Trends and Application to Plasma Engineering” Physical Seminar, Department of Chemistry, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO (2008)
- Oya, N. Yamamoto, H. Nakashima, L. Tao, R. Sullenberger, A.P. Yalin, “Sputter erosion measurements of boron nitride by cavity ring-down spectroscopy” The 10th Cross Straits Symposium, Fukuoka (2008)
Journal Publications
- Dumitrescu, P.Puzinauskas, S. Olcmen, S.G. Buckley, S. Joshi, A.P. Yalin, “Fiber-Optic Spark Delivery for Gas-Phase Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy”, Applied Spectroscopy 61 1338-1343 (2007)
- P. Yalin, J.D. Williams, V. Surla, and K. A. Zoerb, “Differential Sputter Yield Profiles of Molybdenum due to Bombardment by Low Energy Xenon Ions at Normal and Oblique Incidence”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 3194-3202 (2007)
- Surla, A.P. Yalin, “Differential Sputter Yield Measurements using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, Applied Optics 46 19, pp. 3987-3994 (2007)
- Joshi, A.P. Yalin, A. Galvanauskas, “On the Use of Hollow Core Fibers, Fiber Lasers, and Photonic Crystal Fibers for Spark Delivery and Laser Ignition in Gases”, Journal of Applied Optics 46 19, pp. 4057-4064 (2007)
Conference Proceedings
- Joshi, A. Reynolds, B. Willson, A.P. Yalin, “Multiplexed Fiber Delivered Laser Ignition of Natural Gas Engines”, ICE Division – ASME Fall Technical Conference, ICEF 2007-1617, Charleston, SC, USA
- Rubin, J. Topper, A.P. Yalin, ” Total and Differential Sputter Yields of Boron Nitride Measured by Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Weight Loss”, 30th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2007-074, Florence, Italy
- Surla, L. Tao, A.P. Yalin, “Species-Specific Sputtering Measurements with Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, 43rd AIAA Joint propulsion Conference, AIAA-2007-5315, Cincinnati, OH, USA
- P. Yalin, B. Rubin, S. Domingue, Z. Glueckert, J.D. Williams, “Differential Sputter Yields of Boron Nitride, Quartz, and Kapton Due to Low Energy Xe+ Bombardment”, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA-2007-5314, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- P. Yalin, “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy: Trends and Application to Electric Propulsion” Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics, Department Seminar, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI (2007)
Journal Publications/Conference Proceedings
- P. Yalin, S. Joshi, A. Reynolds, M. Defoort, B. Willson, A. Galvanauskas, Y. Matsuura, M. Miyagi, “Fiber Delivered Systems for Laser Ignition of Natural Gas Engines”, ICE Division – ASME 2006 Fall Technical Conference, ICEF 2006-1574, Sacramento, CA, USA
- P. Yalin, V. Surla, C. Farnell, M. Butweiller, J.D. Williams, “Sputtering Studies of Multi-Component Materials by Weight Loss and Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, 42nd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA-2006-4338, Sacramento, CA, USA
- P. Yalin, K. Zoerb, J.D. Williams, “Azimuthal Differential Sputter Yields of Molybdenum by Low Energy Xe+ Bombardment”, 42nd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA-2006-4336, Sacramento, CA, USA
- P. Yalin, S. Joshi, M. Defoort, B. Willson, A. Reynolds, Y. Matsuura, M. Miyagi, “Development of a Fiber Delivered Laser Ignition System for Natural Gas Engines”, ICE Division – ASME 2006 Technical Conference, ICEF 2006-1370, Aachen, Germany
Conference Presentation, Posters, and Abstracts
- P. Yalin, M. Defoort, B. Willson, Y. Matsuura, M. Miyagi, M.-Y. Cheng, K.-C. Hou, A. Galvanauskas “Fiber Optic Delivery of Nanosecond Laser Pulses for Spark Formation in Gases”, Poster – Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis (LACSEA), Optical Society of America, Tahoe, CA, USA (2006)
- P. Yalin, V. Surla, “High Sensitivity Sputtering Diagnostics by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, Poster – Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis (LACSEA), Optical Society of America, Tahoe, CA, USA (2006)
- P. Yalin, S. Joshi, A. Reynolds, B. Willson, A. Galvanauskas, “Fiber Delivered Systems for Laser Ignition of Natural Gas Engines”, 3rd Annual Advanced Stationary Reciprocating Engines Conference, Argonne National Laboratory, (2006)
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- P. Yalin, “Development of a Fiber Delivered Laser Ignition System for Natural Gas Engines” Ecole-Centrale, Paris, France (2006)
- Lisowski, D. Olsen, A. Yalin, S. Joshi, “Visible Flame Imaging of Prechamber Combustion in a Large Bore Natural Gas Engine” Gas Machinery Research Council, Gas Machinery Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, October (2006)
Journal Publications
- P. Yalin, V. Surla, “Velocity Measurements by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, Optics Letters 30 3219 (2005)
- P. Yalin, M. Defoort, B. Willson, Y. Matsuura, M. Miyagi, “Use of Hollow Core Fibers to Deliver Nano-second Nd:YAG Laser Pulses for Spark Formation”, Optics Letters 30 2083 (2005)
- Rahul et al, “Optical and RF Electrical Characteristics of Atmospheric Pressure Open Air Hollow Slot Microplasmas”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 pp.1750-1759 (2005)
- P. Yalin, V. Surla, M. Butweiller, J.D. Williams, “Detection of Sputtered Metals using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, Applied Optics 44 30, pp. 6496-6505 (2005)
- P. Yalin et al, “Radio Frequency Driven Slot Micro-Discharges Operating in Open Air”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 33 2 pp. 562-563 (2005)
Conference Proceedings
- A. Zoerb, J.D. Williams, D. Williams, A.P. Yalin, “Differential Sputtering Yields of Refractory Metals by Xenon, Krypton, and Argon Ion Bombardment at Normal and Oblique Incidences”, 29th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2005-293, Princeton, NJ, USA
- Sengupta et al., “An Overview of the VHITAL Program: A Two-Stage Bismuth Fed Very high Specific Impulse Thruster with Anode Layer”, 29th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2005-238, Princeton, NJ, USA
- P. Yalin, V. Surla, “Determination of Number Density and Velocity of Sputtered Particles by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, 29th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2005-300, Princeton, NJ, USA
- P. Yalin, V. Surla, J.D. Williams, “Erosion Measurements by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy for the VHITAL Program”, 29th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2005-299, Princeton, NJ, USA
- Marrese-Reading et al., “The VHITAL Program to Demonstrate the Performance and Lifetime of a Bismuth-Fueled Very High Isp Hall Thruster”, 41st AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA-2005-4564, Tuscon, AZ, USA
- P. Yalin, M.W. Defoort, S. Joshi, Y. Matsuura, M. Miyagi, “Laser Ignition of Natural Gas Engines Using Fiber Delivery”, ICE Division – ASME 2005 Technical Conference, ICEF-2005-2336, Ottawa, Canada
- L. Ahrens, D.B. Olsen, A.P. Yalin, “Development of an Open Path Laser Ignition System for a Large Bore Natural Gas Engine: Part 2 – On-Engine Test Results”, ICE Division – ASME 2005 Technical Conference, ICEF-2005-1317, Ottawa, Canada
- L. Ahrens, A.P. Yalin, D.B. Olsen, G.-H. Kim, “Development of an Open Path laser Ignition System for a Large Bore Natural Gas Engine: Part 1 – System Design”, ICE Division – ASME 2005 Technical Conference, ICES-2005-1060, Chicago, IL, USA
Conference Presentation, Posters, and Abstracts
- W. Defoort, A.P. Yalin, B. Willson, Y. Matsuura, M. Miyagi, “Hollow Core Fibers for Laser Spark Ignition in Natural Gas Engines”, 2nd Annual Advanced Stationary Reciprocating Engines Conference, SCAQMD Headquarters, Diamond Bar, CA, March (2005)
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- P. Yalin, “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy and Application to Sputter Measurements” Mechanical Engineering, Department Seminar, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, May 6 (2005)
- Defoort, A.P. Yalin, B. Willson, Y. Matsuura, M. Miyagi, “Hollow Core Fibers for Laser Spark Ignition in Natural Gas Engines” 2nd Annual Advanced Stationary Reciprocating Engines Conference, SCAQMD Headquarters, Diamond Bar, CA (2005)
Journal Publications
- Surla, P.J. Wilbur, J.D. Williams, M. Johnson, A.P. Yalin, “Sputter Erosion Measurements of Titanium and Molybdenum by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, Review of Scientific Instruments 75 9, pp. 3025-3030 (2004)
- Rahman, A.P. Yalin, V.Surla, O. Stan, K. Hoshmiya, Z. Yu, G.J. Collins, “Absolute UV and VUV Emission in the 110-400 nm Region from 13.56 MHz Driven Hollow Slot Microplasmas Operating in Open Air”, Plasma Sources Science and Technology 13 pp. 537-547 (2004)
- Yalin, “Laser Lineshape Effects on Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy Signals”, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 78 (3-4), pp. 477-483 (2004)
Conference Proceedings
- P. Yalin, V. Surla, J.D. Williams, P.J. Wilbur, “Application of Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy to Sputter Erosion Measurements”, Laser Applications to Chemical and Environmental Analysis (LACEA), Optical Society of America, Annapolis, MD, USA
Conference Presentation, Posters, and Abstracts
- P. Yalin, V. Surla, J.D. Williams, P.J. Wilbur, “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Measurements of Electric Propulsion Device Life Time”, American Physical Society Mini-Conference on Plasma Propulsion, Savannah, GA, USA (2004)
- Rahul et al., “Radio Frequency Excited Open Air Wedge-Slot Plasmas: Electrical and Optical Characteristics”, Second International Workshop on Microplasmas, Hoboken, NJ, USA (2004)
- Hoshmiya et al., “Open Air Operating Characteristics and Applications of RF Driven Slot Plasmas”, Second International Workshop on Microplasmas, Hoboken, NJ, USA (2004)
- Machala, A.P. Yalin, C.O. Laux, C.H. Kruger, “Determinations of the Diameter of an Atmospheric Pressure Nitrogen Glow Discharge by Emission and Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy”, 21st Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, Prague, Czechoslovakia, (2004)
- Rahman, A.P. Yalin, V.Surla, K. Hoshmiya, O. Stan, Z. Yu , G.J. Collins, “Absolute UV and VUV Emission in the 100-400 nm Region from 13.56 MHz Driven Hollow Slot Microplasmas Operating in Open Air”, International Conference on Plasma Sciences, Baltimore, MD, USA (2004)
- P. Yalin, V. Surla, J.D. Williams, P.J. Wilbur, “Application of Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy to Sputter Erosion Measurements”, Laser Applications to Chemical and Environmental Analysis (LACEA), Optical Society of America, Annapolis, MD, USA (2004)
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- P. Yalin, J.D. Williams, “Ion Optics Modeling and Laser-based Sputtering Characterization Research Activities at Colorado State University” Veeco Instruments Inc., Fort Collins, CO, January 20 (2004)
Journal Publications
- Yalin, Z.Q. Yu, O. Stan, K. Hoshimiya, R. Abdur, V. Surla and G.J. Collins, “Electrical and Optical Emission Characteristics of RF Driven Hollow Slot Microplasmas Operating in Open Air”, Applied Physics Letters 83 14, pp. 2766-2768 (2003)
Conference Proceedings
- Blandino, N. Gatsonis, M. Cappelli, A.D. Gallimore et al., “Overview of Electric Propulsion Research in U.S. Academia” 39th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA-2003-4442, Hunstville, AL, USA
- Q. Yu, A. P. Yalin, Z.Q. Yu, O. Stan, K. Hoshimiya, R. Abdur, V. Surla and G.J. Collins, “Electrical and Optical Emission Characteristics of RF Driven Hollow Slot Microplasmas in Open Air at Atmospheric Pressure”, Gaseous Electronics Conference, American Physical Society, San Francisco, CA, USA (2003)
- Yalin, Z. Yu, A. Rahman, V. Surla, K. Hoshimiya, S. Ovidu, G. Collins, “Studies of Optical Emission and Radical Generation from Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Source Powered by RF in a Hollow Slot Electrode Configuration”, American Physical Society Meeting, Denver, CO, USA (2003)
- Yalin, J. Williams, P. Wilbur, “Sputter Yield and Erosion Measurements for Ion Thruster Materials”, Advanced Space Propulsion Workshop, Huntsville, AL, USA (2003)
Journal Publications
- P. Yalin, R.N. Zare, C.O. Laux, C.H. Kruger, “Temporally Resolved Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy in a Pulsed Nitrogen Plasma”, Applied Physics Letters 81 8, pp. 1408-1410 (2002)
- P. Yalin, R.N. Zare, C.O. Laux, C.H. Kruger, “Spatial Profiles of N2+ Concentration in an Atmospheric Pressure Nitrogen Glow Discharge”, Plasma Sources Science and Technology 11 3, pp. 248-253 (2002)
- P. Yalin, R.N. Zare, “Effect of Laser Lineshape on the Quantitative Analysis of Cavity Ring-Down Signals”, Laser Physics 12 8, pp. 1065-1072 (2002)
- H. Zaidi, Z. Tang, A.P. Yalin, P. Barker, R.B. Miles, “Filtered Thomson Scattering in an Argon Plasma”, AIAA Journal 40 6, pp. 1087-1093 (2002)
- P Yalin, Y.Z. Ionikh, R.B. Miles, “Temperature Measurements in Weakly Ionized Glow Discharges Using Filtered Rayleigh Scattering”, Applied Optics 41 18, pp. 3753-3762 (2002)
Conference Proceedings
- Invited talk: A.P. Yalin, C.O. Laux, C.H. Kruger, R.N. Zare, “Temporally and Spatially Resolved Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Measurements in Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas”, 2002 Optical Society of America Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, FL, USA (2002)
- P. Yalin, Z. Machala, C.O. Laux, C.H. Kruger, R.N. Zare, “Optical Emission and Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy Measurements in an Atmospheric Nitrogen Glow Discharge”, Gordon Conference on Plasma Processing Sciences, Tilton School, NH, USA (2002)
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- P. Yalin, “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy in Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas” Department of Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University (2002)
- P. Yalin, “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy in Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas” Department of Mechanical Engineering, UCLA (2002)
- P. Yalin, C.O. Laux, C.H. Kruger, R.N. Zare, “Temporally and Spatially Resolved Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Measurements in Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas” Optical Society of America Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, FL (2002)
- P. Yalin, “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy in Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas” Department of Engineering Physics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada (2002)
Journal Publications
- O. Macheret, Y.Z. Ionikh, N.V. Chernysheva, A.P. Yalin, L. Martinelli, R.B. Miles, “Shock wave propagation and dispersion in glow discharge plasmas”, Physics of Fluids 13 9 pp. 2693-2705 (2001)
- B. Miles, A.P. Yalin, Z. Tang, S. Zaidi, J.N. Forkey, “Flow field imaging through sharp-edged atomic and molecular notch filters”, Measurement Science and Technology V12 4, pp. 442-451 (2001)
Conference Proceedings
- P. Yalin, U. Lommatzsch, R.N. Zare, C.O. Laux, C.H. Kruger, “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy of N2+ in a Pulsed and DC Atmospheric Pressure Discharge”, International Conference on Plasma Sciences, Las Vegas, NV, USA (2001)
- H. Kruger, C.O. Laux, D. Packan, L. Yu, A.P. Yalin, R.N. Zare, M. Nagulapally, G. Candler, J.D. Kelley, “Non-Equilibrium Discharges in Atmospheric Pressure Air”, International Conference on Plasma Sciences, Las Vegas, NV, USA (2001)
- P. Yalin, U. Lommatzsch, C.H. Kruger, R.N. Zare, “Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy in Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas”, Western Spectroscopy Conference, Jan 31. – Feb. 2 (2001)
Invited Talks, Papers, and Posters
- P. Yalin, “Spatially and Temporally Resolved Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy in Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas” Thermosciences Division Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University (2001)
Journal Publications
- P. Yalin, P.F. Barker, R.B. Miles, “Characterization of Laser Seeding Using Group Velocity Dispersion in an Atomic Vapor Filter”, Optics Letter 25 7, pp. 502-504 (2000)
- P. Yalin, R.B. Miles, “Temperature Measurements by Ultraviolet Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Using a Mercury Filter”, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 14 2, pp. 210-215 (2000)
- B. Miles, Z. Tang, S. Zaidid, A.P. Yalin, N.D. Finkelstein, “High Signal-to-Noise Detection of Rotational Raman Scattering Through Reflourescent and Dispersive Atomic Filters”, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy – Nikolai Ivanovich Koroteev Memorial Issue (2000)
Conference Proceedings
- Z. Ionikh, N.V. Chemysheva, A.P. Yalin, S.O. Macheret, R.B. Miles, “Shock Wave Propagation Through Glow Discharge Plasmas: Evidence of Thermal Mechanism of Shock Dispersion”, 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition, AIAA-2000-0714, Reno, NV, USA
- P. Yalin, Y.Z. Ionikh, A. Meshchanov, R.B. Miles, “2-D Temperature Fields in Glow Discharges Measured with Ultraviolet Filtered Rayleigh Scattering”, 38th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA-2000-0375, Reno, NV, USA (2000)
Conference Presentations, Posters, and Abstracts
- P. Yalin, Y.Z. Ionikh, R.B. Miles, “Temperature Fields in Glow Discharges Measured with Ultraviolet Filtered Rayleigh Scattering”, International Conference on Plasma Sciences, IEEE, New Orleans, LA, USA
1999 and earlier
Journal Publications
- Z. Ionikh, N.V. Chemysheva, A.V. Meshchanov, A.P. Yalin, “Direct Evidence for Thermal Mechanism of Plasma Influence on Shock Wave Propogation”, Physics Letters A 259 5, pp. 387-392 (1999)
- P. Yalin, R.B. Miles, “Ultraviolet Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Temperature Measurements with a Mercury Filter”, Optics Letters 24 9, pp. 590-592 (1999)
- D. Finkelstein, A.P. Yalin, R.B. Miles, “Dispersion Filter for Spectral and Spatial Resolution of Pure Rotational Raman Scattering”, Optics Letters 23 20, pp. 1615-1617 (1998)
Conference Proceedings
- P. Yalin, Y.Z. Ionikh, R.B. Miles, “Temperature Measurements in Glow Discharges with Ultraviolet Filtered Rayleigh Scattering”, 30th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, AIAA-99-3431, Norfolk, VA, USA (1999)
- P. Yalin, R.B. Miles, “Ultraviolet Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Temperature Measurements Using a Mercury Filter”, 37th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition, AIAA-99-0642, Reno, NV, USA (1999)
- P. Yalin, N.D. Finkelstein, W.R. Lempert, R.B. Miles, “Ultraviolet Rotational Raman Spectroscopy with an Atomic Resonance Filter”, 36th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition, AIAA-98-0311, Reno, NV, USA (1998)
- L. Baumgartner, P.J. Erbland, M.R. Etz, A.P. Yalin, B.K. Muzas, A.J. Smits, W.R. Lempert, R.B. Miles, “Structure of a Mach 8 Turbulent Boundary Layer”, 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition, AIAA-97-0765, Reno, NV, USA (1997)
- J. Erbland, M.L. Baumgartner, A.P. Yalin, M.R. Etz, B.K. Muzas, W.R. Lempert, A.J. Smits, R.B. Miles, “Development of Planar Diagnostics for Imaging Mach 8 Flowfields Using Carbon Dioxide and Sodium Seeding”, 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition, AIAA-97-0154, Reno, NV, USA (1997)
- P. Yalin, W.R. Lempert, M.R. Etz, P.J. Erbland, A.J. Smits, R.B. Miles, “Planar Imaging in a Mach 8 Flow Using Sodium Laser-Induced Flourescence”, 19th AIAA Advanced Measurement and Ground Testing Technology Conference, AIAA-96-2270, New Orleans, LA, USA (1996)
Conference Presentations, Posters, and Abstracts
- P. Yalin, Y.Z. Ionikh, R.B. Miles, “Temperature Measurements in Glow Discharges Using Ultraviolet Filtered Rayleigh Scattering”, Gaseous Electronics Conference, American Physical Society, Norfolk, VA, USA (1999)
- P. Yalin, N.D. Finkelstein, R.B. Miles, “Ultraviolet Rotational Raman Spectroscopy with a Dispersive Atomic Resonance Filter”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Optical Society of America, San Francisco, CA, USA (1998)
- B. Miles, S.O. Macheret, Y.Z. Ionikh, N.D. Finkelstein, A.P. Yalin, “Measurement of the Temperature Profile of a Weakly Ionized Plasma by Rayleigh Scattering Imaged Through an Atomic Filter”, International Conference on Plasma Sciences, IEEE, Raleigh, NC, USA (1998)