
A team of students and staff will visit the facility for a single day and compile a report of potential cost-saving measures for the facility. Recommendations will be provided to help small & mid-sized enterprises stay competitive through reduction of costs.

Two months after our team visits your plant you will get a technical report with recommended measures on all cost-saving opportunities identified during the assessment, including applicable rebates and incentives, as well as an estimated implementation cost and pay back information.

  • Utilize energy-efficient belts and other improved mechanics;
  • Establish a predictive maintenance program;
  • Eliminate leaks in inert air intakes gas and compressed are lines/valves;
  • Install compressor air intakes in coolest locations;
  • Reduce the pressure of compressed air to the minimal required.

Description of a Typical Assessment

Phone Interview
After agreeing on a convenient date and time for our plant visit, we ask a few questions about your process so that we may assemble the most appropriate assessment team.

Pre-Assessment Information Packet
We request a packet of information in advance of our visit. The packet typically includes: 1. Photocopies of the last one or two years of energy and water bills, 2. Photocopies of your electricity and water rate schedules (if necessary), 3. A list of waste streams with approximate quantities and disposal costs, 4. A schematic of the plant layout, 5. A map of the plant.

The Assessment Team
Our team typically consists of one or two faculty members, a staff member, and up to six students. The students are paid undergraduate and graduate engineering students, mostly from mechanical and industrial engineering. Our team is completely insured, has industrial experience and has been briefed on plant safety issues. We will sign and honor confidentiality agreements and ask permission before taking any photographs.

The Day of the Assessment
We typically arrive about 9 a.m. and leave at about 4 p.m. Our plant visit usually consists of the following activities: 1. An introductory briefing, with management participation if possible. 2. A plant tour by someone familiar with plant equipment and processes. 3. An independent brainstorming session to generate savings opportunities. 4. Time for observations and measurements to quantify potential savings. 5. A short debriefing, with management participation if possible.

The Final Report
Within 60 days, a complete, confidential report will be mailed to you. The report begins with a brief summary of our cost-saving recommendations and includes descriptions of utility data, process, facility, lighting, waste streams, and detailed descriptions of each recommendation showing all assumptions and methods used to generate the savings estimates.

Follow up
We will contact you again in six to twelve months by phone to see which recommendations were implemented and to assess your overall satisfaction with our service.