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- Attend every class, take notes, participate, pay attention, and ask questions.
- Read all assigned readings. It is a good idea to intelligently highlight and take notes while reading. Reading assignments should be completed the week they appear on the syllabus, preferably before the material is covered in class.
- Set up a regular weekly meeting time with your class group and work together on homework assignments. Also, make sure that you, as an individual, understand and know how to approach and complete every problem in every assignment. Do not rely on others to do the work for you and do not copy work from other groups or from past students.
- Prepare and study for exams by reviewing and studying all lecture notes (especially class examples), handouts, homework assignments, and reading material (especially the book examples). You are expected to be able to answer general questions dealing with an understanding and basic application of the course material. You are also expected to have a firm grasp of the terminology used in the course and how it is applied.
- Read the homework questions and extra requirments (from class) carefully; show neat, detailed work for all information asked for; and make sure you turn in your work on time.
- Pick up your graded homework as soon as it is available; and if you missed anything, refer to the posted solution to see where you went wrong.
- If you are having trouble with the exams, I strongly encourage the following:
- Look back at the questions you missed and try to identify what caused you to answer incorrectly
- did you read the question or answers incorrectly?
- did you work out the problem methodically?
- did you truly know and understand the pertinent terms and concepts?
- did you answer hastily?
- Try to identify ways to prevent mistakes on future exams
- read the entire question more carefully.
- underline keywords in the question while reading.
- draw figures when they are not provided.
- show work and be methodical.
- double check your answer.
- take your time.
- don’t spend too much time on one question.
- attend every class, take good notes, and ask questions.
- read and highlight the reading assignments.
- If you have an aversion to multiple-choice exams, treat each question like it ISN’T MULTIPLE CHOICE! Be methodical in your approach:
- read the question carefully.
- draw figures or diagrams.
- show work and try to calculate or determine the correct answer.
- if you understood the material well enough to answer the question, select the answer you arrived at (hopefully, the correct answer) from the list of possible answers.
- if your first answer is not on the list, try to eliminate some of the possible answers in an educated fashion.
- if you are still unsure, use the WAG principle — take a Wild-Ass Guess
- Before taking an exam:
- review your lecture notes and associated book material for all of the classes covered by the exam.
- review all past homework solutions, class examples, and book examples, and make sure you completely understand every step of each solution.
- study your notes from the in-class exam review session.
- make sure you understand all of the concepts listed on the syllabus.
- If you want further advice or help in diagnosing possible sources of yourdifficulty, please stop by your Dr. Dave’s office to talk.
- Don’t procrastinate and don’t put things off until the last minute.
- E-mail, call, or visit Dr. Dave whenever you have questions or problems.
- Keep a positive attitude and try to have fun.