DelTa pi chapter
About Us
IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) is the honor society of IEEE and is dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in the IEEE-designated fields of interest. Through a variety of service programs and leadership training, our members develop lifelong skills that earn them prominent positions in industry, academia, and the community.
Active HKN Chapters
years of tradition
countries with active HKN chapters
HKN regularly hosts events to increase knowledge and interest in electrical engineering in fun and interactive ways. An example of these events are Professional seminars focusing on questions about what to do with an ECE degree after college, and developing different technical skills such as web design. HKN and IEEE also host the annual dumpster dive, which is a fun competition that includes hands on problem solving.
Current Officers
President: John McKinsey
Vice President: Nicholas Emer
Secretary: Maksim Antonik
Treasurer: Ian Hohn
Interested in becoming an officer? Send us an email