Program at a Glance: Program at a Glance and Map!
May 29 (Wednesday), 2019 (Concert Hall, Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, CO)
Time | Session |
07:4508:30 | Workshop Registration |
08:3008:45 | Introduction to SPHPC19 and Welcome NoteCo-Chairs:
Mahdi Nikdast, Colorado State University, USA Sudeep Pasricha, Colorado State University, USA Gabriela Nicolescu, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada Ashkan Seyedi, HPE Labs., USA |
08:4510:30 | Session I: Silicon Photonics for High Performance ComputingChair:
Sudeep Pasricha, Colorado State University, USA Co-Chair: Ashkan Seyedi, HPE Labs., USA |
08:45 | Keynote 1: Silicon-Plus Photonic Integration for High Performance Computing and BeyondKeynote Speaker: Di Liang, HPE Labs, USA |
09:30 | Advanced Silicon Photonics Platform for High Performance Computing ApplicationsSpeaker: Benoit Charbonnier, CEA-LETI, France |
10:00 | Scalable and Modular, Flexible All-to-All Optical Interconnects for Future HPC systemsSpeaker: S. J. Ben Yoo, UC Davis, USA |
10:30 | Coffee Break and Poster Session* |
11:0012:30 | Session II: Silicon Photonics Design, Simulation, and OptimizationChair:
Mahdi Nikdast, Colorado State University, USA Co-Chair: Sudeep Pasricha, Colorado State University, USA |
11:00 | State-of-the-art Simulation for Silicon PhotonicsSpeaker: James Pond, Lumerical, Canada |
11:30 | A Path from Design to Manufacturing for High Performance Silicon PhotonicsSpeaker: Seth Kruger, AIM Photonics, USA |
12:00 | From Inverse Design to Implementation of Practical PhotonicsSpeaker: Jinhie Skarda, Jelena Vučković, Stanford, USA |
12:30 | Luncheon with Lumerical: Get Your Hands on SiPh Device Simulation and FabricationClick here to register (included in SPHPC registration).
SPHPC19 hosts a “Luncheon with Lumerical” session, included in SPHPC registration, during which attendees will learn about Lumerical tools’ new capability for Photonics Inverse Design, using two techniques: parametric shape based and topology optimization. Using Lumerical tools, which will be made available to SPHPC19 attendees during this session, an example design will be discussed that can be modified to create an optimal design using Photonic Inverse Design. As an added bonus at no cost to SPHPC19 attendees, you will be able to submit your design for fabrication by Electron-Beam Lithography Facility at University of British Columbia (UBC). |
14:0016:15 | Session III: Silicon Photonics for Switching and Data CenterChair:
Ashkan Seyedi, HPE Labs., USA C0-Chair: Mahdi Nikdast, Colorado State University, USA |
14:00 | Keynote 2: The ARPA-E ENLITENED Program – Enabling Transformative Datacenter and HPC Networks with Integrated PhotonicsKeynote Speaker: Michael W. Haney, Department of Energy, USA |
14:45 | Silicon Photonics Technology Requirements for Datacenter InterconnectsSpeaker: Lieven Verslegers, Google, USA |
15:15 | High-Performance Chip-Scale Optical Interconnects and Photonic SwitchingSpeaker: Tian Gu, MIT, USA |
15:45 | In-Package Optical I/O: Solving the Electrical I/O BottleneckSpeaker: Mark Wade, Ayar Labs, USA |
16:15 | Coffee break and Poster Session* |
16:4517:30 | Panel DiscussionModerator: Ashkan Seyedi, HPE Labs., USA
Panelists: Chi Xiong, IBM, USA James Pond, Lumerical, Canada John Kim, KIAST, Korea Michael Haney, DoE, USA Tian Gu, MIT, USA |
17:30 | First Day Concluding Remarks and Closing SessionCo-Chairs:
Ashkan Seyedi, HPE Labs., USA Mahdi Nikdast, Colorado State University, USA Sudeep Pasricha, Colorado State University, USA Gabriela Nicolescu, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada |
18:30 | Welcome Reception Dinner and Networking Event (Music Room, Stanley Hotel) |
May 30 (Thursday), 2019 (Concert Hall, Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, CO)
Time | Session |
07:4508:30 | Workshop Registration |
08:4510:00 | Session IV: Silicon Photonics Circuit Design and SimulationChair:
Sudeep Pasricha, Colorado State University, USA Co-Chair: Ashkan Seyedi, HPE Labs., USA |
08:45 | Keynote 3: Integrated Photonics – Are the design tools ready for HPC Design?Keynote Speaker: Tom Daspit, Mentor Graphics (A Siemens Business), USA |
09:30 | High-Performance Simulations for Silicon Photonics using VSimSpeaker: John Cary, University of Colorado at Boulder and Tech-X Corporation, USA |
10:00 | Coffee Break and Poster Session* |
10:3012:30 | Session V: HPC Requirements and the Promise of Silicon PhotonicsChair:
Mahdi Nikdast, Colorado State University, USA Co-Chair: Sudeep Pasricha, Colorado State University, USA |
10:30 | The Wire, Node, and Processor: Messaging Bottlenecks are EverywhereSpeaker: Ian Karlin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), USA |
11:00 | Revisiting the Dragonfly Topology: Interconnect in High-Performance ComputingSpeaker: John Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea |
11:30 | Silicon-Photonic Networks for GPUsSpeaker: Ajay Joshi, Boston University, USA |
12:00 | Low Power Coherent Links to Enable New System ArchitecturesSpeaker: Clint Schow, UCSB, USA |
12:30 | Lunch Break and Poster Session* |
14:0016:00 | Session VI: In-Package Optics and Packaging TechnologiesChair:
Ashkan Seyedi, HPE Labs., USA Co-Chair: Mahdi Nikdast, Colorado State University, USA |
14:00 | Silicon Photonics Packaging TechnologiesSpeaker: Chi Xiong, IBM T. J. Watson Research Lab., USA |
14:30 | Multi-Micron Silicon Photonics Platform for 400Gb/s Optical Engines and In-Package OpticsSpeaker: Aaron Zilke, Rockley Photonics, USA |
15:00 | Optical Interposer for 10-Tbps InterconnectionSpeaker: Takahiro Nakamura, PETRA, Japan |
15:30 | Multi-Wire Signaling for In-Package Data TransferSpeaker: Armin Tajalli, University of Utah, USA |
16:00 | SPHPC Concluding Remarks and Closing SessionCo-Chairs:
Mahdi Nikdast, Colorado State University, USA Sudeep Pasricha, Colorado State University, USA Gabriela Nicolescu, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada Ashkan Seyedi, HPE Labs., USA |
*Poster Presentations
Towards Tb/s/mm Communication Over Copper
Rajah Bindiganavile, Armin Tajalli, University of Utah, USA
Silicon Photonic Contra-directional Coupling-based OADMs to Enable High-performance Computing Interconnects
Mustafa Hammood, Lukas Chrostowski, University of British Columbia, Canada
Power-efficient Photonic Network-on-chips via System-level Wavelength Optimization
Aditya Narayan, Ayse Coskun, Boston University, USA
Zero Change CMOS Electronic-Photonic Platform for Interconnects to High-Performance Superconducting Logic and Sensors
Marc de Cea Falco, MIT, USA
HyCo: A Self-Optimized Controller for Optical Interconnection Networks
Felipe Gohring De Magalhaes, Gabriela Nicolescu, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
Hierarchical Polynomial Chaos for Variation Analysis of Silicon Photonics Microresonators
Sakshi Bhatnagar, Sourajeet Roy, Mahdi Nikdast, Colorado State University, USA