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Description: Description: Description: Description: U:\public_html\images\HomeLink.jpg

Description: Description: Description: Description: U:\public_html\images\AboutLink.jpg

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Description: Description: Description: Description: U:\public_html\images\ContactLink.jpg

Neil Grigg is a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Colorado State University, where he studies and teaches in water resources management; infrastructure and utility management; and pipe engineering and hydraulics. A graduate of West Point, Auburn, and Colorado State University, he is a registered professional engineer with more than forty years of experience as a university professor and administrator, research institute director, state government official, consulting engineer, and officer in the Corps of Engineers.

This web page presents work I am involved with in water resources management, infrastructure policy and management, and pipe infrastructure.  See “Projects” for explanations of various projects and for some downloads of important publications that are in the public domain and free for distribution.  “Publications” has a list of my books and archived publications.  The “Classes” button offers outlines of the courses I teach.