Chemical Energy Conversion Laboratory

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The Lab

Welcome to the Chemical Energy Conversion Laboratory (CECL). The laboratory is directed by Mechanical Engineering Assistant Professor Dr. Bret Windom. It is located at the Powerhouse Energy Campus in Fort Collins, Colorado.

The CECL’s primary research focus is composed of three main thrusts built around understanding the chemical energy conversion process which occurs in our engines and power generating devices. These thrusts include: 

  • Characterizing and measuring relevant fuel properties including those related to fuel vaporization and reactivity
  • Understanding the impact of these properties on the energy conversion process under real-world operating conditions such as high Reynold’s numbers and pressure
  • The development and utilization of laser diagnostics to study reacting flows. At our laboratory we conduct experimental and modeling studies to investigate multiple aspects of the energy conversion process ranging from fuel processing to understanding the relevant factors which influence pollutant emissions, and everything in between.

Real World Impact








Video by Anders J. Ipsen