SPHPC’23 welcomes Graduate Students (Ph.D. and MS) and Postdoctoral Fellows working in the area of Photonics for AI and AI for Photonics to attend the workshop. In addition, selected students will have an opportunity to present their work at SPHPC’23. To be selected for a presentation at SPHPC’23, students should submit the following:
- A one-page summary (extended abstract) of the Ph.D./MS/Postdoc work based on IEEE conference template. The one-page paper should clearly list the main contributions of the Ph.D./MS/Postdoc work. Also, it should include a list of recent publications, if any, in the reference section. Kindly note that this abstract will not be published, but will be made available to the workshop attendees;
- A support letter from your advisor, sanctioning the submission and acknowledging willingness to support the students’ travel and registration for the workshop.
Present a 5-minute talk summarizing your Ph.D./MS/Postdoc work at SPHPC’23.
All the submissions will be reviewed carefully in terms of quality and relevance to the workshop topics and interests. If your submission is accepted, you must present your work in person at SPHPC’23. Merge all the requirements in a SINGLE PDF FILE and submit it by email to Mahdi.Nikdast@colostate.edu (subject line: SPHPC’23 Student Presentation – YOUR NAME).
SPHPC’23 will cover the registration fee (to attend the workshop) for some selected students. In addition, there will be a Student Presentation Award for the best student presentation (to be determined by a committee) at the workshop.
Important Dates
- Application Submission: January 31, 2023 (Firm deadline)
- Acceptance Notification: February 5, 2023