Energy-Aware Profit Maximizing Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Computing Systems

Kyle M. Tarplee1,
Anthony A. Maciejewski1, Howard Jay Siegel1,2

1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2Department of Computer Science

Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA


$$ \newcommand{\ETC}{\mathit{ETC}_{ij}} \newcommand{\APC}{\mathit{APC}_{ij}} \newcommand{\APCIdle}{\mathit{APC}_{\emptyset j}} %solutions to the vector optimization problem \newcommand{\MSLB}{\mathit{MS}_\mathit{DL}} \newcommand{\ELB}{E_\mathit{DL}} \newcommand{\evalat}[2]{\left. #1 \right|_{#2}} \newcommand{\YND}{\mathcal{Y}_\mathit{ND}} \newcommand{\MSmu}{\mathit{MS}(\boldsymbol{\mu})} \newcommand{\Emu}{E(\boldsymbol{\mu})} $$

Problem Statement



Pareto Fronts

Problem Formulation

Solution Approach


Energy and Power

Optimization Problem

$$ \underset{\boldsymbol{\mu},\,\MSLB}{\text{maximize}} \quad \frac{p - c \ELB(\boldsymbol{\mu})}{\MSLB} \\ \begin{array}{lll} \text{subject to:} & & \\ \forall i & \sum_j \mu_{ij} = T_i & \text{task constraint} \\ \forall j & F_j \le \MSLB & \text{machine finishing time constraint} \\ \forall i,j & \mu_{ij} \ge 0 & \text{assignments must be non-negative} \\ & \frac{\ELB}{\MSLB} \le P_\text{max} & \text{power constraint (optional)} \end{array} $$

Conversion to a Linear Program

Transformed Linear Program

Non-Linear Problem

$$ \underset{\boldsymbol{\mu},\,\MSLB}{\text{maximize}} \quad \frac{p - c \ELB(\boldsymbol{\mu})}{\MSLB} \\ \begin{array}{ll} \text{subject to:} & \\ \forall i & \sum_j \mu_{ij} = T_i \\ \forall j & F_j \le \MSLB \\ \forall i,j & \mu_{ij} \ge 0 \\ & \frac{\ELB}{\MSLB} \le P_\text{max} \end{array} $$


Linear Problem

$$ \underset{\boldsymbol{z},\,r}{\text{maximize}} \quad p r - c \bar{P} \\ \begin{array}{ll} \text{subject to:} &\\ \forall i & \sum_j z_{ij} = T_i r \\ \forall j & \frac{1}{M_j} \sum_i z_{ij} \ETC \le 1 \\ \forall i,j & z_{ij} \ge 0 \\ & r \ge 0 \\ & \bar{P} \le P_\text{max} \end{array} $$



Alternative Objective Formulation

Simulation Setup

Max Profit Solutions

Sweeping Profit Ratio

Pareto front lower bound

Max Profit Solutions

Sweeping Profit Ratio

Pareto front lower bound

▢ profit upper bound (infeasible)

Max Profit Solutions

Sweeping Profit Ratio

Pareto front lower bound

▢ profit upper bound (infeasible)

◆ profit lower bound (feasible)

Max Profit Solutions

Sweeping Profit Ratio

Pareto front lower bound

▢ profit upper bound (infeasible)

◆ profit lower bound (feasible)

| profit per unit time

Max Profit Solutions

Sweeping Profit Ratio

Pareto front lower bound

▢ profit upper bound (infeasible)

◆ profit lower bound (feasible)

| profit per unit time

-- power constraint (55 KW)

Profit Rate vs Makespan

Profit Rate vs Makespan

Relative Profit Rate vs Number of Tasks

Finishing Times

profit ratio = 1.2

profit ratio = 1.5



