#!Python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages global pp pp=PdfPages('Graphic CAN Output-12.pdf') file=open('20320012.xls','r') #opens the data file produced be the Vector data=file.readlines() #Load the entire file into memory file.close() #initialize variables times=[] IDs=[] DLCs=[] payloads=[] hexpayloads=[] IDLengths={} PGNs={} PFs={} DAs={} SAs={} for line in data[7:]: #Parse each line #Split each line where the commas are. This may need to be tab characters if the data was tab delimited entries=line.split(',') if entries[3][:7]=='CAN Bus': print entries continue #print entries #(only for debugging) #convert timestamp (hours:minutes:seconds:millis:micros) into plain seconds time=entries[0] #build a list of IDs #Build the IDLength dictionary identifier=entries[7] dataLengthCodetemp=entries[5].split(':') dataLengthCode=dataLengthCodetemp[-1] IDLengths[identifier]=int(dataLengthCode) DLCs.append(dataLengthCode) IDs.append(identifier) times.append(float(time)) #parse the message message=entries[9:17] #print message data=[] for d in message: if d!='\n': data.append(int(d,16)) #print data payloads.append(data) hexpayloads.append(message) SA=identifier[-2:] PF=identifier[-6:-4] DA=identifier[-4:-2] PGN=identifier[-6:-2] try: SAs[identifier]=int(SA,16) PFs[identifier]=int(PF,16) DAs[identifier]=int(DA,16) PGNs[identifier]=int(PGN,16) except ValueError: SAs[identifier]=9999 PFs[identifier]=9999 DAs[identifier]=9999 PGNs[identifier]=9999 pass # if identifier=='18fef100': # print message # except IndexError: # pass # except ValueError: # pass #print hexpayloads #Data Length Analysis for each ID print 'CAN ID (Hex) -> Data Length' IDList=IDLengths.keys() IDList.sort() for key in IDList: print key+' -> %g' %IDLengths[key] #print 'CAN ID (Dec) -> Data Length' #for key in IDList: # print `int(key,16)`+' -> %g' %IDLengths[key] #calculate number of Bytes totalBytes=0 for key in IDList: totalBytes+=int(IDLengths[key]) print 'There are %g unique IDs in the log file' %len(IDLengths) print 'Total number of bytes to examine in the log: %g' %totalBytes #Timing Analysis print 'CAN ID (Hex) -> Counts Per time (Hz) or ' results=open('results.html','w') results.write(''' ''') totalTime=float(times[-1]-times[0]) for key in IDList: occurances=IDs.count(key) print key+' -> %g Hz or %g sec' %((occurances/totalTime),totalTime/float(occurances)) results.write(' \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n' %(key,PGNs[key],PFs[key],DAs[key],SAs[key],IDLengths[key],(occurances/totalTime),totalTime/float(occurances))) results.write('
CAN ID (Hex) PGN (Dec) PF (Dec) DA (Dec) SA (Dec) Data Length Frequency (Hz) Period (sec.) Notes
\n') results.close() #calculate number of Bytes totalBytes=0 for key in IDList: totalBytes+=int(IDLengths[key]) print 'There are %g unique IDs in the log file' %len(IDLengths) print 'Total number of bytes to examine in the log: %g' %totalBytes def plotDatavsTime(ID,times=times,IDs=IDs,data=payloads,IDLengths=IDLengths): X=[] Y=[] startTime=times[0] endTime=times[-1] for location in range(IDLengths[ID]): Y.append([]) for i,t,d in zip(IDs,times,data): if i==ID: X.append(t) for location in range(len(Y)): Y[location].append(d[location]) for location in range(IDLengths[ID]): outputName='Time History of CAN ID %s for byte %g' %(ID,location) plt.plot(X,Y[location],'.') plt.xlim( startTime, endTime ) plt.title(outputName) plt.ylabel('Value') plt.xlabel('Time [sec]') f=plt.savefig(outputName+'.png') #plt.savefig(outputName+'.pdf') pp.savefig() plt.close() print 'File %s was written.' %outputName def plotEvenDatavsTime(ID,times=times,IDs=IDs,data=hexpayloads,IDLengths=IDLengths): X=[] Y=[] startTime=times[0] endTime=times[-1] for location in range(0,IDLengths[ID],2): #print location Y.append([]) for i,t,d in zip(IDs,times,data): if i==ID: X.append(t-startTime) #print i #print d for location in range(len(Y)): try: Y[location].append(int(d[2*location+0]+d[2*location+1],16)) except IndexError: print 'Something is screwy!' print location print d Y.pop(location) pass for location in range(len(Y)): outputName='Time History of CAN ID %s for bytes %g and %g' %(ID,2*location+0,2*location+1) plt.plot(X,Y[location],'.') plt.xlim( 0,endTime-startTime ) plt.title(outputName) plt.ylabel('Value') plt.xlabel('Time [sec]') f=plt.savefig(outputName+'.png') datafile=open(outputName+'.csv','w') datafile.write(outputName+'\n') for x,y in zip(X,Y[location]): datafile.write('%g,%g\n' %(x,y)) datafile.close() #plt.savefig(outputName+'.pdf') pp.savefig() plt.close() print 'File %s was written.' %outputName def plotOddDatavsTime(ID,times=times,IDs=IDs,data=hexpayloads,IDLengths=IDLengths): X=[] Y=[] startTime=times[0] endTime=times[-1] for location in range(1,IDLengths[ID]-1,2): #print location Y.append([]) for i,t,d in zip(IDs,times,data): if i==ID: X.append(t-startTime) for location in range(len(Y)): try: Y[location].append(int(d[2*location+1]+d[2*location+2],16)) except IndexError: Y.pop(location) pass for location in range(len(Y)): outputName='Time History of CAN ID %s for bytes %g and %g' %(ID,2*location+1,2*location+2) plt.plot(X,Y[location],'.') plt.xlim( 0,endTime-startTime ) plt.title(outputName) plt.ylabel('Value') plt.xlabel('Time [sec]') f=plt.savefig(outputName+'.png') datafile=open(outputName+'.csv','w') datafile.write(outputName+'\n') for x,y in zip(X,Y[location]): datafile.write('%0.6f,%g\n' %(x,y)) datafile.close() #plt.savefig(outputName+'.pdf') pp.savefig() plt.close() print 'File %s was written.' %outputName #for key in IDList: #for key in ['18fef100', '18fef117', '18febf0b','302']: #for key in ['302']: #plotDatavsTime(key) #plotEvenDatavsTime(key) #plotOddDatavsTime(key) #~ print 'Done Plotting Data for '+key pp.close()