Edwin K. P. Chong's Papers on Philosophy, Theology, and
Papers on Philosophy, Theology, and Apologetics
Edwin K. P. Chong
Last updated
September 09, 2020.
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It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a
thought without accepting it. (Aristotle)
I would be most interested in feedback on any of these papers. Please
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Journal Papers
- On Jesus' Eschatological Ignorance,
American Journal of Biblical Theology, Vol. 4, No. 31, 2003.
(See also published
web version.)
- On the Gospel Accounts of Peter's Denials of
Christ, Quodlibet Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, January--March 2004.
(See also published
web version.)
- Detailed
Inerrancy and the Gospel Accounts of Peter's Denials,
American Journal of Biblical Theology, Vol. 7, No. 28, 2006.
(See also published
web version.)
Short Papers
- Defending the Historicity of Jesus
Christ: An Examination of the Jesus Seminar
- Refuting Attacks Against Our Faith: An Example
- Logical Fallacies in Attacks
Against the Bible: Eleven Examples
- Divine Foreknowledge and the Biblical
Support for Open Theism: An Ad Baculum Stratagem?
- On the Doctrine of the Trinity
Seminar Notes
- Slides on Science and Religion,
CSU Christian Faculty Network, October 14, 2011. Accompanying mp3 audio.
- Slides on Gleason Archer's essay on
inerrancy, Faith Evangelical Free Church, Fall 2008.
- Slides on inerrancy, Faith Evangelical Free
Church, Fall 2008.
- Slides on "Is
Evolution Incompatible with Intelligent Design?" Presented at Mensa
AG Meeting, July 4, 2008.
- Slides for series on Divine Control and Human Freedom, spring
- Universanity 2008
slides on "The New Atheism on the University Campus"
- Slides for class on
Intoduction to
Apologetics, Faith Evangelical Free Church, Fall 2007
- Audio of sermon on
miracles, Faith Evangelical Free Church, July 8, 2007
- Slides on Faith and
Science, Life@Faith, April 22, 2007.
- Slides on Atheism:
From the University to Society, CTF, April 2, 2006; and
accompanying quotes.
- "Divine Control: Compatibilism and Molinism," presented at
the Theology
Forum, University of Colorado, Boulder,
April 20, 2005. Slides and
accompanying quotes.
- Notes for series on "Theistic Arguments: The Craig Program."
- Slides for series on Theistic Arguments.
Session 1,
Session 2,
Session 3,
Session 4,
Session 5,
Session 6.
- Slides for talk on The Divine Decision Tree, September 2004.
- Slides for ESL Teacher Training Seminar, September 11, 2004.
- Slides for series on Divine Foreknowledge, Divine Control, and
Human Freedom.
Session 1,
Session 2,
Session 3,
Session 4,
Session 5,
Session 6.
- Slides from talk on
August 15, 2004.
- Notes
based on
God, Are
You There, by William Lane Craig.
- Notes based on
Why Bother with Truth
by Beilby and Clark.
Edwin Chong,
This document was last modified
September 09, 2020.