John van de Lindt Elected as Fellow to ASCE’s Structural Engineering Institute.

John van de Lindt was  informed in November of his election to Fellow status with ASCE’s Structural Engineering Institute.  The recognition took place in Orlando, Florida in April at the Structures Congress.   To be eligible for this nomination, a person must:

  • Be actively involved in a local or national SEI committee or chapter.
  • Be a licensed Professional Engineer or Structural Engineer in the United States or in the country in which the Member resides
  • Be nominated by an Organizational Entity of SEI (this includes SEI Board of Governors, SEI Committees and SEI Chapters).
  • Have had responsible charge for a minimum of ten years of important work in structural engineering and be qualified to direct, conceive, plan, or design engineering works. Responsible charge typically means work performed after obtaining licensure as stated above, or have had responsible charge for a minimum of ten years of important industrial, business, construction, educational, editorial, research, or engineering society activity, requiring the knowledge and background gained from engineering training and experience.