ECE554: Policies



Grading: Grading is based on the following components:

  • Homework Assignments (6): 30%
  • Reading Assignments: 10% (you will get questions on reading assignments in your exams)
  • Class participation: 10%
  • Examinations (closed book): 50%
    • Midterm: 15%
    • Comprehensive Final: 35%

All homework assignments and project files should be submitted before the deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Grading Scale:

>95% 90-94% 85-89% 80-84% 75-79% 70-74% 65-69% 55-64% 40-55% <40%
A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C D F

Homework Policy: Homework assignments and projects will be assigned throughout the semester. All homework assignments and project files should be submitted before the deadline via Canvas. Late submissions will not be accepted!

Re-grading Policy: Re-grading requests should be made within a week from the date of the graded item (homework, exam, or project) becoming available.

Academic IntegrityAll submitted work should be your own. Copying of language, structure, images, ideas, or thoughts of another, and representing them as one’s own without proper acknowledgement (from web sites, books, papers, other students, solutions from previous offerings of this course, etc) and failure to cite sources properly is not acceptable. Sources must always be appropriately referenced, whether the source is printed, electronic, or spoken. My policy is that of zero tolerance. Minor first infraction in HWs and presentations will lead to a zero score + one letter level (e.g. A to B) reduction in course grade. Project or Major or repeated infractions in HWs and presentations will result in “F” grade for the course + report to Dean’s Office. Moreover, remember that you may have to face me in other exams (e.g. M.S. project, Ph.D. prelims, Ph.D. qualifiers) and professionally! Bottom-line: please don’t risk engaging in such behavior. For more information see CSU’s Academic Integrity Policy:  and Student Conduct Code:

Attendance: I encourage everyone to attend all the lectures and actively participate in class discussions.

Appointment: I encourage you to make at least one appointment with me during the semester for advice or to discuss research opportunities, independent study, research ideas, course suggestions, concerns, or any other topic you feel is appropriate.

Student Counseling Services: I encourage students to make use of the University Counseling Services. Just as you take care of your physical health, you should also take care of your mental health using all tools and means at your disposal. Your student fees provide access to a wide range of mental health support  resources at no additional cost. Visit Counseling Services on the 3rd floor of the Health & Medical Center, and  they’ll work together with you to find the resources that are best for you.