ME Cleans Up at the 2017 Walter Scott Jr., College of Engineering All-College Awards

The Department of Mechanical Engineering was honored with several accolades at the 2017 WSCOE All-College Awards, last Tuesday afternoon.

“More than half of the All-College Awards went to members of ME, and I couldn’t be more proud of our department.” said ME Department Head, Sue James.

Join us in congratulating the following mechanical engineering award recipients:

The Department of Engineering faculty holds their 2017 All-College Awards. November 14, 2017.

Dr. Kirk McGilvray: Outstanding Administrative Professional Researcher Award

Dr Todd Bandhauer: George T. Abell Award for Outstanding Economic Development Contributions

Dr. Walajabad Sampath: Art Corey Award for Outstanding International Contributions

Dr. Ben Gadomski: George T. Abell Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching and Service

Dr. John Volckens: George T. Abell Outstanding Faculty Researcher Award

Dr. Thomas Bradley: Faculty Excellence Award

