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Command file : .cmd

The first example of command file can be used if your design has clock signal as an input.

  (is=clk) (en=CKa)  (ot=CK) (ov=0) (sv=0, 40, 80, 1,1);
  (is=vec) (en=dff1.vec)  (ot=Din);

The 1st line is a epic clock stimulus(clk) command. This command defines a clock with the name CK and clock period is 80ns.

The syntax of clk command is:\

  (is=clk) (en=element_name} (ot= signal_list}) [(ov=initial_value)]
           (sv=start_time, toggle_time, period, rise_time, fall_time);

The 2nd line is a vector stimulus(vec) command. This command provides a method for reading in a file containing input stimuli and output comparison. The syntax of vec command is: \

  (is=vec) (en=vector_file) (ot=signal_list)
The vector_file specifies the file to be read. The signal_list specifies the node to be forced or compared.

Next example is a command file that does not contain any clock signals.

   (is=vec) (en=ring.vec) (ot=in1,in2,in3,in4,in5,in6);

Geun Rae Cho
Mon Dec 4 13:55:18 MST 2000