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Procedure To Run Timemill

To run timemill you also need to have Spice Netlist file and to create timemill configuration file, vector file, and command file. The vector and command file is the same as the ones for the powermill. The steps to run Timemill are:

  1. Make an epic directory under your layout design directory, copy the Spice netlist file design.spi to the epic directory, and go to epic directory.
  2. Generate a spice net list by using the following command:
    checkmate_spice <design_name>
    This command create a spice netlist file, <design>.spi in current working directory.
  3. Create design.cmd file
  4. Create design.vec file
  5. Create cfg_tm file
  6. Run timemill by using the following command\
       timemill -n design.spi design.cmd -c cfg_tm -o timemill -p /class/EE571/epic_tech/tech*
  7. After running timemill, you can check your design or run-time errors in timemill.log or timemill.err. The timemill.out file contains the timing analysis results of your design.

Geun Rae Cho
Mon Dec 4 13:55:18 MST 2000