Lab Schedule ECE 450


Lab Content Duration Date from - Date to
2-3 Lab 1: Design of a 3-bit ALU (Manual Design) 2-week lab 8/28 - 9/8
4 Lab 2: Design of a 3-bit ALU (Verilog)   1-week lab 9/11 - 9/15
5-6 Lab 3: Design of a Subway Control Logic (manual schematic) 2-week lab 9/18 - 9/29
7 Lab 4: Design of a Logarithmic Multiplier (Verilog) 1-week lab 10/2 - 10/6
8-9 Lab 5: Design of a Logarithmic Multiplier (Manual schematic) 2-week lab 10/9 - 10/20
10 Lab 6: Design of a Gray Scale Counter (manual schematic) 1-week lab 10/23 - 10/27
11 Lab 7: Design of a Pulse Clock Generator and a Pyramid Counter (Verilog) 1-week lab 10/30 - 11/3
12-13 Lab 8: Subway Signal Control Logic (manual schematic & Verilog) 2-week lab 11/6 - 11/17
14-15 Lab 9: Design of a Complex Finite State Machine 2-week lab 11/27 - 12/8

In order to receive credit for the lab section, the pre-work is to be completed prior to commencement of lab and that each Verilog related lab needs to be demonstrated to the TA during the week the lab is scheduled. A lab report is due at the end of each lab before starting the next lab.
Here is more detail regarding lab grading: 450 Lab Expectations
Here to download Cadence Virtuoso installation package: Cadence Virtuoso

Last updated: 08/30/17