ECE423 Lab1


The lab writeup had  images of various CCS windows showing options selected, such as –k, -s, -w, and -x. It was not clear how to invoke these options or even what they meant. The bottom line is for the most part they don’t determine whether or not the program will run, but they may be necessary for certain exercises we do in, for example in reading through the assembly files which are created.


 Here are a few options seen in the images and their meanings:




How to Select


Keep assembly files created

Compiler->Assy, select box for –k


Strip symbol information from executable

Linker->Advanced, selecte box for –s


Turn on all warnings

Linker->Advanced, select –w


Exhaustively read all libraries

Linker->Basic, select -x


Note that we normally de-select the warnings, so if you see warnings, that may be the reason.